
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Black Monday Tribute - Sad & Misunderstood Emo Girls

 So yesterday was Blue Monday (sometimes called Black Monday) ..some bogus holiday created by an advertising firm a while back stating it is statistically one of the more depressing days of the year. As you can see we at Troubled decided to skip the day completely, so for those of you that decided to partake here's a visual tribute to the sad, depressed and slightly narcissistic out there...



Monday, January 17, 2011

Did someone say porn star?

Bree Olsen's latest TwitPic...and being in the porn industry of course it has gained our attention.

Troubled traveled to Miami to meet her but she had to cancel -  *whimper*

Check out the article here.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Grandma's Reaction To 2 Girls 1 Cup

Oh lordy please don't kill nana! Hahaha..

Incest is Wincest?

Alternate Title: Oedipus Shmoedipus ..

We don't normally give two shits about celeb gossip, but this photo has "fucked up" written all over it..(and in turn piques the Troubled gang's interest)

Check out Victoria Secret model Stephanie Seymour and her teenage son (yes you read that correctly) on the beach...

So many mixed emotions... *shudder*


Anonymous Dating Confessions

Got a dating confession to get off your chest..and would rather share it with the entire internet anonymously rather than with the person you're dating? Boy are YOU in luck!

Some funny, some strange, some pathetic.....OK a lot of them are pathetic.

Check them out HERE...